
8.30 – 9.00 Morning reception/Sprejem udeležencev
9.00  9.15 dr. Janez Mekinc, dean of UP FTŠ/dekan UP FTŠ

dr. Emil Juvan, Conference chair/Predsednik programskega odbora

9.15  10.10 prof. dr. Sara Dolnicar: Sustainable destinations: how to walk the sustainable talk?
10.10 – 10.30 Coffee break /Odmor
Sebastjan REPNIK: Corporate security as a part of sustainable development in slovenian tourism/ Korporativna varnost kot del trajnostnega razvoja v slovenskem turizmu
Dubravka KALIN: Lifelong learning for sustainable destinations: conceptualization and implementation plan/ Vseživljenjsko učenje za trajnostni razvoj destinacij: konceptualizacija in načrt implementacije
Alma ZUPANČIČ: Environmental footprint of Airbnb: empirical insights from Slovenia/Ekološki odtis Airbnb nastanitev: empirični dokazi iz Slovenije
Emil JUVAN: Increasing ESB at winter sport events: a willingness study approach/Spodbujanje okolju prijaznega vedenja na zimskih športnih dogodkih: raziskava pripravljenosti na določeno vedenje
Jasmina JURGEC: Sustainable destinations: hosts happiness perspective/Trajnostne destinacije: perspektiva “srečnih” gostiteljev
Sanja DOLENEC: The socially responsible advertising of war tourism: the case of Croatia/ Družbeno odgovorno oglaševanje »vojnega« turizma: primer Hrvaške
Hrvoje RATKAJEC: Tourism 4.0 Tourism Impact Model (TIM): a tool for assessing and planning the impact of tourism/ Turizem 4.0 Tourism Impact Model (TIM): orodje za ocenjevanje in načrtovanje vpliva turizma
Andraž OREHAR: Tourism Waste: Empirical Insights from Slovenia/ Odpadki v turizmu: empirični dokazi iz Slovenije
Vlado MALAČIČ: Sustainable bathing waters management: sewage system issues and solutions/ Trajnostno upravljanje s kopalnimi vodami: izzivi in rešitve kanalizacijskega sistema
Darija CVIKL: Identification and definition of forest tourist attributes/ Identifikacija in opredelitev turističnih atributov gozda.
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch/Kosilo
14.00 – 16.00 Workshop/Delavnica
    Anže ČOKL: Ekohotel Bohinj
    Boštjan MISJA: GIZ Podčetrtek, Bistrica ob Sotli, Kozje
    Urša MALOVRH: BB Park Hotel Ljubljana
    Anej ŠTRUCL: Eko Kmetija Hotel Koroš
    Petra ČAD: Slovenian Tourism Board/Slovenska Turistična Organizacija
   Marija KOMATAR: Terme Snovik
   Alenka SORŠAK: Turizem Ljubljana
16.00 – 17.00 prof. dr. Xavier Font:  Sustainable destinations: supporting the sustainable walk through marketing and communication
17.00 – 17.30 Closing ceremony/Zaključna razmišljanja
18.00 – 20.00 Coctail party/Kulinarično druženje



    • Prof. dr. Xavier Font (co-editor Journal of Sustainable tourism, Professor of Sustainability marketing at the University of Surrey, UK)
    • Prof. dr. Sara Dolnicar (co-editor Annals of Tourism Research, tourism professor at The UQ)

[1] Live streaming via video – conference call



Workshop will feature the supply and demand side of sustainable walk in the tourism industry.

  1. Increasing environmentally sustainable supply in & outside of hotels

The topic is suitable for hospitality & tourism professionals responsible for the purchase of goods used for delivering services to their guests/tourists. Topic will provide some best practices for effective reduction of environmental footprint, by stimulating the sustainable walk of tourism suppliers. Speakers will also talk about pros and challenges of the “supply – side sustainable walk”

  1. Increasing environmentally sustainable demand in & outside of hotels

The topic is suitable for hospitality and tourism professionals interested in improving sustainable behaviour of guests/tourists. Topic will provide some best practices for effective reduction of environmental footprint, by stimulating the sustainable walk of guests/tourists. Speakers will also talk about pros and challenges of the “demand – side sustainable walk”.

Workshop features:

  • Eko Hotel Bohinj (Reducing energy and water use in hotels)
  • Park hotel Ljubljana (Improving sustainable awareness and action in hotels)
  • Ekohotel kmetija Koroš (Ecological rural & bike tourism)
  • Turizem Ljubljana (Sustainable urban destinations)
  • Slovenian Tourism Board (Slovenia green; benefits, challenges and the way forward)
  • GIZ Podčetrtek (Slovenia Green; challenges and benefits for destinations)

[1] Pending information